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John C. Vermitsky

John C. Vermitsky photo John C. Vermitsky

John Vermitsky started training in Isshinryu Karate in 1985 with American Budo Kai (at the time called Jersey Judo Karate Kai) with Joan Felenczak/Calvert.  He received his blackbelt with the association on December 14, 1995.  After relocating to North Carolina with his family Mr. Vermitsky continued his Isshinryu training at Phoenix Martial Arts in Thomasville, NC.  He is a current member of the Isshinkai under first generation Isshinryu pioneer Sensei Arcenio Advincula.   Mr. Vermitsky has practiced Isshinryu continuously for the last 36 years and has taught for the last 26 years.  He has helped train hundreds of students and strives every day to provide others with the incredible benefits martial arts has afforded him.